House and land developments have seen huge spikes in demand in the past year with incentives to build, but developers have been thinking outside the box to really connect buyers with their new home and lifestyle.
Several residential developers have been acknowledged for their efforts and ability to think outside the square in the 2020 Annual REA Excellence Awards despite the pandemic and significant demand across the sector.
Mojo Urban Living and Abel Property took out the WA Land Campaign of the Year. Picture:
West Australian based Mojo Urban Living and Abel Property were recognised as the WA Land Campaign of the Year prize winner for their ongoing project profile: ‘Live what you love’.
The campaign for an estate of terrace houses on microlots in Cockburn resonated with buyers as a nod to lifestyle as a major selling point.
“The campaign: ‘Live What You Love’ really highlighted what lifestyle each customer could have by being in Mojo,” said Abel Land sales director Damyn Strang.
“Rather than purely focusing on house and land, it introduced Mojo Urban Living, as an innovative new house and land development that’s all about the customer and their way of life.”
Mr Strang said the award was recognition for all the hard work of the developer, marketing agency and sales team over the past 18 months.
Abel Land Sales Director Mr Strang said the award was recognition for all the hard work of the developer, marketing agency and sales team over the past 18 months. Picture:
“Each and every team member has bought into the vision of the estate,” he said. “This has then been translated into a marketing campaign that highlights the way of life customers could have by building their new home in this estate.”
The Land Campaign of the Year in Victoria-Tasmania went to Stockland for its Minta development in Berwick, in Melbourne’s outer south-east, while the NSW-ACT prize was taken out by Signature Properties for Tallawong Road.
Frasers Property Australia scooped the Queensland-Northern Territory award for the Land Campaign of the Year for Minnippi Quarter in Carina, east Brisbane, which was pegged as a ‘newly crafted community, offering an ideal balance between private retreat and communal connectivity’.
Starfish Developments won the South Australian prize for Hamilton Hill, in Woodforde, in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs.
Starfish Developments took out the Land Campaign of the Year for SA. Picture: national sales director Kul Singh said the AREAs were due acknowledgement for the forward thinking of the sector during a challenging year.
“The resilience shown throughout the industry over the past 18 months has been remarkable,” Mr Singh said.
“Undoubtedly, the pandemic challenged us all, both professionally and personally. Like so many industries, real estate professionals were required to adapt quickly to the change in conditions.”
“COVID-19 also changed the way many people think about property and what the home means to them – there’s arguably an even deeper connection to home than ever before. The importance of connection to the community in particular has never been more apparent, and I believe many have found a deeper purpose for the service our industry delivers. “
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House and land developments have seen huge spikes in demand in the past year with incentives to build, but developers have been thinking outside the box to really connect buyers with their new home and lifestyle.
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